
Zero Waste Management System - Qualified Document Criteria Training Begins


Applications are now being accepted for the Zero Waste Management System - Qualified Document Criteria Training to be held within the scope of TAU-SEM.

Training is being organized on the Zero Waste Approach, which is adopted to achieve the goal of efficient waste management and protection of natural resources within the scope of the 'Sustainable Development Goals' set by the United Nations in order to increase the livability of the world and to effectively combat climate change. In the planned training, the concept of Zero Waste, economic and social benefits, implementation steps and Zero Waste Legislation in our country are discussed. In the training, the criteria that the sectors, which are required to obtain a 'Zero Waste Qualified Certificate' in the future in accordance with the legislation, will be required to meet in order to fulfill these requirements are explained with the content of the TRUE Zero Waste Certification given by the international certification body Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), which is the main focus of the training.

The training, whose target audience includes environmental engineers working in institutions, organizations and enterprises, engineers in charge of the process, middle-senior managers, procurement officers, employees and foremen responsible for waste management, accounting officers, people who want to be informed about zero waste qualified documents and newly graduated engineers, lasts for two days.

Pre-registrations will be completed on April 15 and more detailed information about the training will be given on April 24-25, 2024: