English Courses

General English-Beginner Level

The opportunity to learn the English language by connecting ONLINE from any environment you want.

You can study English at TAU-SEM, from the expert instructors of the Turkish-German University School of Foreign Languages, and contribute to your profession with the English knowledge you have acquired.

You can start to acquire the grammar and vocabulary you need for both writing and speaking.

You can choose weekdays or weekends to suit your personal schedule.

You can complete a course with 48 hours of training in six weeks.


General English Intermediate/Upper Intermediate Level

Take your English language skills to higher levels

With the ONLINE education opportunity, you can improve your English within the days and hours you can arrange according to your work schedule, and contribute to your profession with the English knowledge you have acquired.

With your Intermediate-Upper Intermediate level of English knowledge, you can express yourself comfortably abroad, create written texts, watch movies, and listen to radio news.


English YOKDIL Preparation Course

Prepare Yourself for YÖKDİL Exams With Our Expert Staff

In the ONLINE preparation course, you can first review the general topic and correct your deficiencies with reading comprehension exercises. You can learn words and terms specific to the fields of Science, Social and Health Sciences.

You can get ready for the exam by practicing trial solutions.




English YDS Preparation Course

YDS Exam is easier with TAU-SEM Preparation Course

You can attend our ONLINE YDS Preparation Course from any environment you wish and receive your preparation training by using your time efficiently.
You can thoroughly prepare for YDS, which is designed for public personnel aiming for language compensation, associate professorship candidates, and undergraduate or graduate students who want to do a master's degree or doctorate.

You can benefit from weekday or weekend options designed to avoid interrupting your education or business life.


English Academic Writing Course

Special for those who want to pursue an academic career

You can achieve your goal by participating in the ONLINE English Academic Writing Techniques Program, which is specially designed for participants who plan to pursue an academic career/work.

Thanks to the program, which accepts participants who have an English level of B1 and above or who have a score of 70 or above from YDS, you can learn how to write an academic text in English and master the academic language.


English for Primary School Students

Primary School Students Both Learn and Have Fun

Children who learn English at an early age learn the language faster and easier and have a proper accent. Additionally, knowledge acquired at a young age is more permanent. On the other hand, online lessons offer a dynamic learning experience where instructors support fun activities and children actively participate.

Our Online English Language Education Program, prepared for primary school 1st - 4th grade students, blends language learning with games and fun activities, making it an interactive and effective experience for children.


English for Middle School Students

Support for School Lessons, Preparation for LGS

The English Course Program prepared for secondary school students turns learning into a fun and information-filled process. In addition to supporting school lessons, the program also guides students preparing for LGS. Experienced instructors prepare students for both school exams and LGS with interactive approaches to improving grammar, speaking, writing and listening skills.

The online format of the program gives students the opportunity to prepare in a comfortable environment, saves time, and the student can also easily access online resources.


English for High School Students

Reach the English Levels of Domestic / International Universities with This Program

The online program, prepared for high school students, is equipped with rich content that strengthens the language skills of students to reach the required English level at universities in Turkey and abroad. Courses are designed to increase communication skills that can be used in both daily life and academic environments.

With the content prepared by expert instructors, grammar and vocabulary are developed at an advanced level, and English writing and speaking skills are strengthened. The lessons are specially designed to increase the ability to understand and interpret English texts.